List of Services
List of Services
Providing pharmacy services to advance the health of Oklahomans is our mission. Are you handling large patient loads, working long hours and still not getting the reimburement you desire? Pharmacists led clinical services boost revenue and drive quality metrics to improve patient outcomes. Work with a pharmacy consultant to optimize clinical services in your practice today.
Providing pharmacy services to advance the health of Oklahomans is our mission. Are you handling large patient loads, working long hours and still not getting the reimburement you desire? Pharmacists led clinical services boost revenue and drive quality metrics to improve patient outcomes. Work with a pharmacy consultant to optimize clinical services in your practice today.
Services as individualized as your patients and practice
Chronic Care Management
Remote Physiologic Monitoring
Annual Wellness Visits
Medication Therapy Management
Comprehensive Medication Reviews
Vaccination Programs
Adherance Programs
Are you interested in implementing clinical services in your practice but don't have the time or manpower for the project?
Explore how a Pharmacy Services Project Manager can help you reach your goals.